There are 2 ways to wipe the CC, either use. →Published on May 28th, 2015 by divinnyThe most important 1st step Always drop heroes to destroy AD (Air Defense), wipe CC and kill Queen, the rest are easy with Lava and Loons. Skeletons will surround the towers thus the witch are safe from.
→Published on September 8th, 2015 by divinnyUsing 12 witches to 3 stars a very dense base, this tactic is suitable for base that put all defense towers next to each other. Aplikasi Penangkap Sinyal Wifi Jarak Jauh Dengan LaptopĬlash of Clans is a popular strategy game from Finnish developer Supercell, released in August 2012 until today users Clash of clans had already reachedPublished on October 23rd, 2015 by divinnyThere are many ways to get Melody JKT48 S+ card First one and the easiest one you have the chance get A+ Melody JKT48 from any A cards combination, then fixed combine the max A+ card.